Christine Salvesen

Dr. Christine Salvesen serves as the Chief Retention Officer, Associate Vice Provost for Student Success & Retention Innovation (SSRI) and Executive Director of SSRI Strategy Team at the University of Arizona. She leads several retention leadership groups, coordinates many campus-wide persistence and retention initiatives, and oversees a unit that supports the success of all undergraduates at the University of Arizona through strengths-based programming, evidence-based practices, and robust assessment. Dr. Salvesen has worked at the University of Arizona for over 30 years in several capacities, within both Student and Academic Affairs.
Salvesen, C., Ludwig, J., & Kyte, S. (2023). “Retention Gains Through Centralizing Support for a Decentralized Outreach Model.” In Watkins, N. and Bennett, T. (Eds)., Proceedings of the 19th National Symposium on Student Retention, New Orleans, Louisiana. (191-204). The University of Oklahoma.
Kyte, S., Andrews, L., Ludwig, J., & Salvesen, C. (2021). “Data-Driven and Student-Centered: Strong Gains in First-Year Retention with the Introduction of a Warning Semester.” In Watkins, N. and Bennett, T. (Eds)., Proceedings of the 17th National Symposium on Student Retention. Virtual Conference. (pp. 104-117). The University of Oklahoma.
Salvesen, C., Ludwig, J., & Basij, S. (2021). “Trellis Progress: Providing Timely Academic Interventions During Unprecedented Times.” In Watkins, N. and Bennett, T. (Eds)., Proceedings of the 17th National Symposium on Student Retention, Virtual Conference. (pp. 258–272). The University of Oklahoma.
Ludwig, J., Salvesen, C., & Demetriou, C. (2018). “Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Building an Institution-Wide Approach to Student Retention.” In Watkins, N. and Bennett, T. (Eds)., Proceedings of the 14th National Symposium on Student Retention. (pp. 603–608). The University of Oklahoma.
- PhD, Higher Education | The University of Arizona
- MA, Educational Psychology | The University of Arizona
- BS, Psychology | The University of Arizona